Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poetry Month

            So, I’ve been reading this great book and it inspired me to write some poems. I hope poetry doesn’t bore you. Apparently, April is poetry month so I think I’ll keep writing some more in honor of it. So, in the book, one of the main characters has an unrequited love (loves someone who doesn’t love them back) and they are pining away so I wrote these two poems to express that person’s aching heart a little more. I hope you like them and please leave a comment if you have advice. As you can see, the first is really short and the other’s kind of long. The second one was co-written with the blogger Blackfox whose blog is Mor Ronyo.

Two in a Crowd
I always find you in a bustling crowd
And yet it pains me
Because I know in the caverns of my heart
You’ll never find me

Almost an Hour
It’s everything to me
It’s nothing to you

 Almost an hour
The clock ticks and tocks as my breath hitches
Your eyes flash and turn, I float
The clock ticks and tocks as my face flushes
Your question tightens my throat

 Almost an hour
Time races on, confusion I feign
Your frown slices my heart
Time races on and I breathe out pain
Your gaze it did depart

 Almost an hour
So little time to learn your heart
Your loves and your laws
So little time to play a part
Your quirks and your flaws

 Almost an hour
That’s all I get to see you
Your smile, shining
That’s all I get to hear you
Your laugh, twinkling

 Almost an hour
It flies, gone with time, snatch
Not you too
It flies too quick to catch
I want you

 Almost an hour
That’s all, you walk free
One tear
That’s all it will be
I fear

 Almost an hour
Lightning flashing
Sand that’s slipping

 It’s all gone
There’s no dawn

 So fast
Won’t last


 Almost an hour
It’s almost not enough

(329 words)

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